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Common Ground Speaker Series - March 15th & 16th, 2016

John Ratey, MD

The Brain-Fitness Connection: Achieving Optimal Physical and Mental Health

Harvard psychiatrist and best selling author John Ratey redefines the concept of peak performance with research that illustrates how exercise sparks the growth of new brain cells and leads to greater physical and mental well-being. He presents persuasive evidence that certain forms of exercise may be the best defense we have against ADHD, substance abuse, mood swings and the effects of aging. Ratey has published nine books including the groundbreaking Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, the ADD-ADHD series Driven to Distraction and Go Wild. Ratey shows us how to put the brain-fitness connection to use to reduce feelings of stress, sharpen our focus and improve our mood.

Tues, Mar 15, 2016, 7pm

St. Matthew's Episcopal Day School

16 Baldwin Avenue

San Mateo

(650) 342-5436


Wed, Mar 16, 2016, 9am

Trinity School 

2650 Sand Hill Road

Menlo Park

(650) 854-0288


Wed, Mar 16, 2016, 7pm

Bellarmine College Preparatory School

960 W Hedding Street

San Jose

(408) 294-9224


Parents, faculty and staff from 29 member schools can attend Common Ground events free of charge. Guests not affiliated with a member school may attend for a $20 fee at the door.